Trading 212 - Forex, Stocks, CFDs 4.0.6 [free]


#1 Trading app in the UK for 2016. Trade Currencies (FOREX), Gold, Oil, Stocks and Indexes with our intuitive and easy to use app.
Your capital is at risk.*
With Trading 212 you gain access to:
- 800+ CFDs including Forex, Gold and Oil
- Tight spreads even at news time
- Smooth and easy to use charts for technical analysis
- Outstanding customer service - just try our live chat
- FREE lifetime practice account with virtual money
*CFDs are leveraged products. Trading CFDs is risky and requires a certain level of experience. Please ensure that you understand all the risks involved and the high
probability of losing your investment.
Trading 212 is offered by the following companies:
Trading 212 UK Ltd. authorised and regulated by the FCA (Register number 609146).
Trading 212 CY Ltd. authorised and regulated by the CySEC (Licence number 290/16).
Trading 212 Ltd. authorised and regulated by the FSC, Bulgaria (Register number RG-03-0237).
Seller: Trading 212

Old Versions

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  • App Name: Trading 212 - Forex, Stocks, CFDs
  • Category: Finance
  • App Code: com.avuscapital.trading212
  • Version: 4.0.6
  • Requirement: 4.4 or higher
  • File Size : 16.51 MB
  • Updated: 2018-01-15